covid-19 safety and cleaning protocols

Here to serve You

We recognize that Total Zen may provide an essential service during tumultuous times. With COVID-19, all of humanity was asked to take a pause and look inward. Times of change can produce fear and uncertainty. During those times, it is more important than ever to connect to the deeper essence within and bring our attention to the present moment; the only time that truly exists. 

Cleaning Standards

Cleaning standards: We completely clean and sanitize the float tanks and rooms in between each floater - and we always have - following the North American Float Tank Standards protocols. Remember that Epsom salt itself creates an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive, and the tanks are triple-filtered in between each floater and sterilized with ozone and UV. The ozone and UV also help to purify the air, and we use an air purification system in our waiting area.

Special Precautions

We are also taking special precautions during this time, including the use of UV light and disinfectants to common surfaces. We are available by appointment only, and our float rooms are private. We have only two (2) float tanks, so there are only ever two (2) floaters at a time, making it a socially distant activity.